Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Read this Blog

As you can see, it's been a while since I've added to the blog, but I hope you'll still find the content here interesting. If this is your first visit, I definitely recommend starting with the oldest post first, on the last page, and working your way forward. Then, I hope you'll be inspired to add ideas of your own - I look forward to reading them.


  1. I just arrived via the NPR page on Billy Collins latest book and your comment. I trust your list is coming along nicely (?).

    When you take a break, you really take a break. :)

  2. Why did you stop? This was pretty good.

  3. Even though not updated lately, this is a fascinating list. I am nearly 62, working full-time in my 2nd career, with fear of retirement. I totally "get" the spirit of this blog. Meaningful, stimulating projects are essential if I am going to be happy in retirement. Golf is not my thing! I have bookmarked your blog and will be back to read more...

    1. Thanks for your encouraging remarks. Since the list on my blog pretty much exhausted my own ideas, I keep hoping that others will stop by and add ideas of their own that I haven't thought of. (hint, hint). Maybe when I actually retire myself a few years from now, new ideas will come to me.

      Warm regards and happy retirement some day in the future, Bruce

  4. Came to your blog from your comment on the NYTimes story "Saving for Bucket List That’s Likely to Evolve in Years Before Retirement." I love your idea of going deep into something for a short time and turning yourself into a sort of expert... and then moving on. It gives a lot of meaning, anticipation, and structure to one's "30 years of retirement." Your list (and the deeper explorations) are great, and appreciated the common-sense advice about doing more active things at the outset and then the more at-home things later in the years (love the idea of watching all the Academy Award movies with directors' commentary). I don't have any additions of my own at this point but you got me thinking....
