I've included a range of ideas from no-cost to low-cost to expensive, and from the physically demanding to some that can be done sitting at home in your most comfortable chair.
- Live in a city you've never lived in, exploring both its daily life and its cultural treasures.
- Go to yoga, tai chi, meditation and other similar classes daily.
- Visit all your living relatives down to second cousins and record their remembrances.
- Learn to create crossword puzzles and submit some for publication.
- Help an elderly or disabled person with a significant household task each day - painting, cleaning, repairs, upholstering, gardening, setting up a used computer - whatever you have the skills to do, and they can't do for themselves or afford to hire someone to do.
- Memorize a new poem every day.
- Attend an event in your town every day - from sporting events, to visiting a museum, attending a concert or a jazz club, a poetry or book reading, a high school theater production, a civic meeting, a religious service - the possibilities are endless but you must get out of the house every day and many of them should be events you would not otherwise have attended.
- Watch every movie that has won the Oscar for Best Picture, including the director's comments.
- Research and write your family's history and distribute it to all your relatives.
- Spend three months with one of your children immediately after they've purchased a house, and remodel or redecorate it for them.
- Take a writing class and write at least one short story a week.
- Walk or bicycle (depending on the distance) every block in your town. Take a camera and record interesting buildings, landscapes and people. Create a photograph album with detailed captions to document your experience.
Well, that's my first list of a dozen. Anyone like to add his or her own list?
Bruce, This is a great idea and a great way to schedule retirement time that can easily become disorganized without regular work hours. I would add take an art class and create a drawing, painting or sculpture each week/month. Also, read a classic novel or 2 or 3 that you haven't read before but always wanted to.